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For Amusement Only: Weed-eater Engine-powered Blender |
25 Sep 2017 |
Here it is... The go anywhere ultimate margarita, daiquiri, <insert your favorite frozen drink name here> machine. And, it can be all yours. This is the perfect blender for your next party on the beach, down at the lake or out on the river. No electricity needed! Simply gas it up, crank it up, add your favorite fixin's to the stylish glass pitcher, and hit the throttle. With this baby, you'll be making more than frozen drinks. Most people don't expect to hear a weed-eater when down at the river, beach or lake, so be ready when they converge on your location wanting to know what the noise and commotion is all about. But, you won't have to explain anything. With only a single look at this beautiful machine, they'll become your newest best friend. And, they won't care if you're making margaritas at 2 am, so long as you kindly share... Who knows, they may even volunteer to make the next run for ice or additional mixin's. This baby is the hit of any party.
Here's a video of one of the earlier prototypes.
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